Friday 31 March 2017

Pottering about


Yesterday although the sun was out other jobs stopped any work in the garden. Today it is raining so I took the opportunity to potter in the greenhouse.

Germination is quite erratic for some reason. I have felt I should resow the Swiss Chard as well as first showings of Brussels and Kale. I Sowed forty cells with a variety of lettuce, but only ten cells have germinated but as these are all the same variety I will leave the others for another week.
The lupine and foxgloves that were over wintered are ready to be transplanted which I intend to do between showers.

I got two new chickens yesterday and they seem to have got used to their new environment already.

Friday 17 March 2017

Time in the Greenhouse

Sowing some seeds.

Peas transplanted under netting
The first job today was to transplant the few peas that have now sprouted and grown a tap root, I transplanted about 20 seedlings and then covered the whole bed with netting to keep the pigeons and our ducks at bay. I also sowed a row of Radish under a cloched bed.
Swiss Chard

In the greenhouse some more sowings. Today I sowed Basil, Coriander and Parsley each in a 6" pot. A 40 cell tray of lettuce  with three different varieties. A ten cell sowing of Cauliflower and a few Cape Goosberries. 

Yesterday I sowed the Mini Corn in cells these will go in the far end of the bed that the peas are in.  The beetroot and Swiss Chard are coming through.

The broad Beans are starting to show along with the field beans

That completed todays tasks, the next job will be to sow extra peas because at the moment only 20 of the 130 sown have germinated. There may be more if we get some sun but I ordered some more of a different variety so I am prepared for the worst.

I cut some sycamore saplings for bean poles.

The tomatoes and peppers growing well
Peppers and Chillies


Sunday 12 March 2017

Peppers and chillis progressing.

Chilli Seedlings
Just an update on the peppers and chilli seeds. They have germinated and are growing quite well. The peas sown in cells in the Greenhouse have started to sprout, and I saw one Beetroot just pushing through the compost.

Tomato Seedlings

Thursday 2 March 2017

March is here.

The weather has brightened up and the new battery powered hedge trimmer has arrived. I tested the trimmer on the box hedges and then I got carried away and did the main leylandi hedge.

Then into the greenhouse to sow the Swiss Chard and Beetroot in cells to start them off .

Finally time to put one of the cloches up to cover the carrots and warm the soil for the Swiss Chard and Leeks.

The Ducks enjoying their first afternoon of freedom after DEFRA lifted the control order.