Wednesday 22 February 2017

The First Sowings outside

Just a quick note to say that the weather was pretty good today so I took the time to prepare 4  1mtr beds. These raised beds do not need much preparing although I have raked in some chicken manure pellets.

I then sowed Broad Beans in 2 x 1mtr beds and Field beans in a 1mtr bed. In another 1mtr bed I sowed my carrots but I must admit there were not many seeds in the packet so I have none in reserve. I feel an order in the making.

Sunday 12 February 2017

The new Growing Year has Started - just.

We have had Snow, Sleet and now rain. The temperature has gone from -3c to 13c. I am stuck for things to do so after checking last year's diary I saw I sowed the Tomatoes and Chillies indoors.

No reason not duplicate last year , it's raining and too cold for much else. Decision made.

Tomatoes: Tigerella, Money Maker and Garden Perle.
Peppers: Mini Bell (own seeds), Jalapeno, Paper Lantern, Purple Tiger.

Two trays later all are sown and in a warm place until they sprout. I have managed to keep two Cherry Bomb Chilli plants alive and they are ready for potting up once the weather improves in a couple of weeks.