Saturday 19 August 2017

Just back from Wells next the Sea

Here is my harvest today, I did have some yellow Marrows but they went to the chickens. Squash and Pumpkins are coming along with the pumpkins changing colour.

Here are the Cherry toms , Garden Perle, from the hanging baskets, Tigerella toms from the patio and greenhouse, the yellow Courgettes , Crystal Lemon Cucumbers and three Chilli.

Sunday 6 August 2017

Producing lots more

We have been away and we have come back to Tomatoes,ripe and ready to pick. The yellow courgettes have slowed a bit but last week we had a couple of yellow marrows and this week we have some more normal sized ones to cut.

There are still Beetroot ready and the first carrots were pulled up today. The potato tubs were emptied last week, there was not many but enough for a couple of meals per tub. Swiss Chard is still producing and the Leeks are looking good for this time of year.

The Pumpkins are about 10" across but still green and growing, I have three so the grandchildren can have one each. The butternut squash is doing better than last year , I have quite a few and some are nearly at full size as seen in Lidl. I am growing Crystal Lemon Cucumbers again this year but outside and they are producing lots of round yellow fruits.

The apples on the trees are starting to swell and it looks like a good crop again this year.